Ball Count: 5

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Reading Questions Page 224-232

2. What is the difference between a file manager and a database-manager system? How are they similar?

The similarity between the two is that they both manage files. The difference between the two is that a file manager allows for one user to work with only one file at a time, while a DBMS can manipulate data in a large collection of file cross referencing between files as needed. DBMS is used for complex jobs; file manager for simple tasks.

3. Describe a simple database.

A simple database is composed with and consists of tables that records data stored in specific types of fields.

4. What is a query? Give examples of the kinds of questions that might be answered with a query.

A query is an information request in database terminology. It searches specific records- for example, the average salary of a professional football player.

7. What does it mean to sort a data file?

Sorting a data file means arranging it in a specific way- this way can be done numerically or alphabetically.

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