Ball Count: 5

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Chapter 6: Graphics, Digital Media, and Multimedia

The term Graphics means artwork: photographs or other visual representations in a printed publication. Digital Media are usually electronic media's that work on digital codes. Multimedia is transmission that combine media of communication (text and graphics and sound etc.)

-Compare and contrast several types of computer graphics programs used by artists, photographers, designers, and others.
-Explain how computers are changing the way professionals and amateurs work with video, animation, audio, and music.
-Describe several ways that computers are used to create multimedia materials in the arts, entertainment, education, and business.
-Explain the relationship between hypermedia and multimedia, describing applications of each.
-Describe several present and future applications for multimedia technology.

Tim Berners-Lee Weaves the Web for Everybody
-Born in London in 1955
-Wanted to create an open-ended distributed hypertext system with no boundaries, so scientists everywhere could link their work together
-Invented the World Wide Web and gave it to all
-Now works at MIT
-Heads the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Focus on Computer Graphics
Painting: Bitmapped Graphics
Painting software:
-Paints pixels on the screen with a
pointing device
-Pointer movements are translated
into lines and patterns on the screen
-Stores an image at 300
dots per inch or higher

-Pixels: In digital imaging, a pixel (or picture element) is a single point in a raster image
-Palette: a palette is either a given, finite set of colors for the management of digital images (that is, a color palette), or a small on-screen graphical element for choosing from a limited set of choices, not necessarily colors (such as a tools palette).
-Bitmapped graphics (or raster graphics): Any visual matter containing pixels that has a bit depth of one.
-Color depth: the number of bits that are in each pixel
Resolution: resolution refers to the density of the pixels

Blog Question:What is the defenition for Bitmap Graphics?

Answer:Any visual matter containing pixels that has a bit depth of one. In other words, the pixel is either 100 percent black or 100 percent white.

Image Processing: Photographic Editing by Computer
-Allows the user to manipulate photographs and other high-resolution images with tools such as Adobe Photoshop
-Far more powerful than traditional photo-retouching techniques
-Can distort and combine photos as demonstrated in the tabloids
-Can create fabricated images that show no evidence of tampering

Blog Question: What is the benefit of photo management software?

Answer: It easily allows you to simplify and automate common tasks associated with capturing, organizing, editing, and sharing digital images.

Blog Question: What is the definition and difference of object-oriented or vector graphics?

Answer: There is no difference. They are the use of geometrical primitives such as points, lines, curves, and shapes or polygon(s), which are all based on mathematical equations, to represent images in computer graphics.

Article on adobe illustrator and macromedia freehand:

Blog Question: What is the difference between drawing and painting?
Drawing is a form of visual expression and is one of the major forms within the visual arts. Painting,is the practice of applying color to a surface (support) such as paper, canvas, wood, glass, lacquer or concrete.

Computer Aided Design (CAD) software:
-Allows engineers, designers, and architects to create
designs on screen for products ranging from computer
chips to public buildings
-Can test product prototypes
-Cheaper, faster, and more accurate than traditional
design-by-hand techniques

Rules of Thumb: Making Powerful Presentations:
Remember your goal.
Remember your audience.
Outline your ideas.
Be stingy with words.
Keep it simple.
Use a consistent design.
Be smart with art.
Keep each slide focused.
Tell them what you’re going to tell them, then tell them, then tell them what you told them.

Standard formats for uncompressed audio for Windows and the Mac OS, respectively. Both formats are supported on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. Both create large files. Both are lossless – a CD track encoded with WAV or AIFF sounds identical to the original.
A popular format for transmitting audio on the Internet. A CD track converted to MP3 format can be 1/10 the size of the original – or smaller – but still sound very similar.
An alternative to MP3 developed by Microsoft for Windows. WMA compression can result in smaller files of higher fidelity. WMA files may be protected by DRM.
Apple’s alternative to MP3 and WMA is used primarily by iTunes and iTunes Music Store. AAC compression is sonically superior to MP3 compression. AAC files may be protected by DRM.
Similar to WMA and AAC in sound quality and compression, OGG Vorbis is open source and freely available – not controlled by any company.

Blog Question: What is the difference between & def: Graphics, Digital Media, and Multimedia

refers to information linked in non-sequential ways.
Hypermedia combines text, numbers, graphics, animation, sound effects, music, and other media in hyperlinked documents.
-Useful for on-line help files
Ø-Lets the user jump between documents all over the Internet

Virtual reality combines virtual worlds with networking.
-It places multiple participants in a virtual space.
-People see representations of each other, sometimes called avatars.
-Most avatars today are cartoonish, but they convey a sense of presence and emotion

-Uses multiple cameras and high-speed networks to create a videoconferencing environment in which multiple remote users can interact with each other and with computer-generated objects
-Combines the display and interaction techniques of virtual reality with new vision technologies that allow participants to move around in shared virtual spaces, all the while maintaining their unique points of view
Augmented reality (AR):
-The use of computer displays that add virtual information to a person’s sensory perceptions

Computer graphics today encompass more than quantitative charts and graphs generated by spreadsheets.
Computers today aren’t limited to working with static images; they’re widely used to create and edit documents in media that change over time or in response to user interaction.
The interactive nature of the personal computer makes it possible to create nonlinear documents that enable users to take individual paths through information.

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