Ball Count: 5

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chapter 10 Reading Questions Pt. 2

6. Describe several types of programs that can be used for software sabotage
Viruses, worms, trojan horses, and spyware are all programs used for software sabotage.

7. What are two inherent characteristics of computers that make security so difficult?
Computers are programmed to do things and are reprogrammed. Also, if it is not programmed to protect, than the computer will not protect.

9.)Every afternoon at closing time the First Taxpayer's Bank copies all the day's accumulated transaction information from disk to tape. Why?
Just in case anything happens to the information collected in the day, to be one step ahead of viruses, computer crashes, etc.

10. In what ways can computer security protect privacy of individuals? In what ways can computer security threaten the privacy of individuals?
Computer security can be used to protect users from viruses, hackers, etc. as well as making sure information that is meant to be kept anonymous stays in check. These can also backfire on the individual with the use of fake virus protectors, and also the government- who invades our privacy to protect us.

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