Ball Count: 5

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Discussion Question 4/27/11

1- Is the Turing test a valid test of intelligence? Why or why not?

The Turing test being a valid test of intelligence all depends. It depends on the way that the computer is built, so generally I would say that it is not a valid test of intelligence. You never know when a computer can be wrong if you yourself do not know the answer to a question, so it is (generally) not a valid test of intelligence.

2- List several mental task that people do better than computers. List several mental tasks that computers do better than people. Can you find any general characteristics that distinguish the items on the two lists?

A mental task that humans do better than computers is the feel of emotion. Since computers do not have emotion, it is obvious that a human would do this better than them. A task that a computer does better than a person would is keep the names of something (say a list of groceries). Since humans tend to forget easily, and computers never forget anything, the computer would be a better mental task holder. Generally the characteristics of computers are good memory and for humans are emotion.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Discussion Question 4/15/11

You are planning on starting your own business selling clothes. Discuss pros and cons for starting an e-business.You are planning on starting your own business selling clothes. Selling clothes using e-commerce is an effective way to start a business. If one does not have the resources to open up their own shop (which is usually the case), then he can start out by creating an account on ebay for free and start buying and selling there. Also, he will be working at the comfort of his home computer. A con about this, however, is that advertising is a little bit harder. Using e-commerce doesnt make your buying and selling an official store, so not as many people will know about your business. This causes less profitable funds from the items you have, because less people are aware of your business.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chapter 13 Reading Questions, Part 2

6) What is the purpose of an extranet? What are the main characteristics?
The main purpose of this technology is to let the outsiders for the firm to communicate with the organization as when required. Extranet use the same protocols as intranet for the sake of data sharing and communication through web with little enhanced security and privacy.

7) Describe some of the issues a company must deal with to successfully conduct business with consumers over the internet.
In order to successfully conduct business with consumers on the internet, companies must ensure to the user that they have legit business transactions, because people do not want to be scammed. The main issue is trust in the website, and if a business can get a consumer to trust them, then they are good to go.

8) List the capabilities e-commerce software should provide
E-commerce software should provide an easy way for users to buy and sell the products that they are trading, for this is the most essential part and the foundation of e-commerce. It should provide users control to edit prices, items, etc.

9) Describe some ethical issues involved in electronic commerce.
There are a few, but two that immediately pop into mind are integrity and global equalization. As for integrity, the e-commerce sites must make sure that it is nearly impossible to hack them, because people can get scammed and that will lead to a lot of trouble. As for global equalization, if an e-commerce business wants to exceed, they must make sure users all over the world have access, so they must set up global shipping.

Discussion Question

If someone discovers a cure for the common cold, should he or she hide it to protect the jobs of all the people who work in the huge cold-medicine industry? Identify reasons why so many people react negatively to advances in technology that eliminates some jobs. A person who finds something important to human life such as a cure for the common cold should make it public so that everyone benefits from it. Hiding it would protect the jobs of those who work in the cold-medicine industry, but that is a minority when compared to the billions of people in the world who would benefit from this cure. People react negatively to the advances in technology because they threaten jobs, and in economic times like these that is one of the most important things.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Chapter 13 Reading Questions, Part 1

2) Is e-commerce possible without the Internet? Explain your answer.
E-commerce is not possible without the Internet, because that is the foundation of e-commerce. Without the internet, it would just be a normal business. That is why there is an "e" before commerce

3) Describe the three forms of e-commerce.
-B2B: E-commerce transactions between businesses
-B2C: E-commerce transactions between businesses and customers
-C2C (consumer to consumer): the e-commerce model which represents individuals, organizations, or companies that are selling and buying directly from each other via the Internet

4) What are the purposes of an intranet? What are the main characteristics?
The intranet popular type of network used by many organizations around the world to keep their businesses more paperless and their employees more productive. It features networking protocols that the standard Internet uses, such as the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol and the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

5) What are three important ways companies use intranets?
Companies use intranet to allow information access for employees, internal business transactions and in order to work together effectively.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Chapter 11 Reading Questions, Part 2

7) Describe several controversies surrounding the electronic sweat shop.
Majority of the workers face racism and sexism due to their backgrounds and female gender. They also experience health issues such as back problems from the shop.

8) Why is education critical for our future as we automate more jobs?
Technology is making huge advancements, and so humanity needs to make advancements along with them. As technology increases, so will our IQ levels need to increase.

10.) What kind of education does a student to prepare for living and working in the information age?
Students must prepare for different working conditions, they need to be familiar with technology and just be able to be prepared literately and mathematically

15) Describe several ways people use home computers
People use home computers in a lot of different ways. They can be used for online resources, news articles, home businesses, jobs, etc.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Discussion Questions 4/6/11

Do computers increase or decrease efficiency?
They do both. Computers can increase efficiency when the user is hard at work and doing everything he is asked to do. However you can also take it the other way and say if a user is distracted by the vast world of the internet, then a computer would only do harm and decrease his efficiency.

What are some fears generated by the use of tech/computers in the work place?
Using a computer at a work place will more likely than not mean using private information that you do not want people getting into such as email information or credit card info. When at a work place, you risk exposing this information to others if you forget to sign out or clear your history.

List 3 jobs/skills that have become obsolete in the 21st century and 3 jobs/skills that have taken their place.
Blue print makers (hand-drawn), have been replaced by blue print makers using a computer
Map makers (hand-drawn), have been replaced by map websites such as Google Maps
Elevator Operators, have been replaced by pressing buttons (originally they were manually controlled by humans)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Chapter 11 Reading Questions, Part 1

2.) What are the major components of the modern automated factory?
Some of the major components are robots and computers in general

4) What are the advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting from the point of view of the worker? Management? Society?
Some of the advantages include increased job satisfaction for the worker and higher productivity for the management. Disadvantages include distractions and security concerns for the worker and management, respectively.

5) Describe several software tools used by managers, and explain how they help them do their jobs.
There are several software tools that managers can use but it all depends on the time of manager he is (i.e where he works). Most managers, however, will use a spreadsheet because it is an efficient and organized way to keep data of a large amount of employees. Other software managers might use include calculator, Word, etc.

6) What is de-skilling? what is up-skilling? Give examples of each.
De-skilling is making a job easier so less skill is required, and Up-skilling is the exact opposite. An example would be one-click items for cashiers instead of putting the prices manually for de-skilling and engineers might have to solve problems that calculators can for up-skilling.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chapter 10 Reading Questions Pt. 2

6. Describe several types of programs that can be used for software sabotage
Viruses, worms, trojan horses, and spyware are all programs used for software sabotage.

7. What are two inherent characteristics of computers that make security so difficult?
Computers are programmed to do things and are reprogrammed. Also, if it is not programmed to protect, than the computer will not protect.

9.)Every afternoon at closing time the First Taxpayer's Bank copies all the day's accumulated transaction information from disk to tape. Why?
Just in case anything happens to the information collected in the day, to be one step ahead of viruses, computer crashes, etc.

10. In what ways can computer security protect privacy of individuals? In what ways can computer security threaten the privacy of individuals?
Computer security can be used to protect users from viruses, hackers, etc. as well as making sure information that is meant to be kept anonymous stays in check. These can also backfire on the individual with the use of fake virus protectors, and also the government- who invades our privacy to protect us.

Intellectual Property and Control

- Laptops present information to the student via internet
- All information on the student's laptop is intellectual property
- With personal laptops, students are in control of the information they would like to research, type, etc
- Depending on laptop model and internet speed, students have access with quick speeds
- Teachers can set up websites that instruct students to do their work, which they check from their laptops

~ Hamzah & Oussama

Monday, March 28, 2011

Chapter 10 Reading Questions Pt. 1

1)Key terms

- access control Software: a software that only allows users to access according to the user's needs
- antivirus:a program designed to search for virus, alert the users, and destroy the virus
- authentication mechanism: a security measure that make sure only legitimate users have access to the system by asking potential users to identify themselves
- authorization mechanism: a security measure that guarantees that users have permission to perform a particular task
- autonomous system: a complex system that can assume almost complete responsibility for a task without human input
- back up:the process of saving data- especially for data recovery
- biometric: measurements of individual body characteristics
- computer crime: an crime accomplished though knowledge or use of computer technology
- encryption: a secret numerical code that can be used to scramble network transmission
- firewall: a tool used to keep internal networks secure while enabling communication with the rest of the Internet
- hacking: electronic trespassing and vandalism
- identity theft: the crime of obtaining enough information about a person to assume his or her identity
- passwords: the most common security tool used to restrict access to a computer system
- sabotage: a malicious attack on work, tools, or business

2) Why is it hard to estimate the extent of computer crimes?
Not all computer crimes are reported to the database, so it is impossible to estimate its' extent.

3)Describe the typical computer criminal. How does he or she differ from the media stereotype.
A typical computer criminal is struggling with something, for example, financial needs. He has no criminal record and commits crime due to these struggles. The stereotypical criminal is described as a young, white, and tech-savvy.

4) What is the most common computer crime? Who commits it? What is being done to stop it?
Theft by computer is the most common computer crime. Different people are involved with it such as employees, clerks, etc. People use more secure websites and in some cases even the FBI are involved to stop it from happening.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chapter 9 Reading Questions Pt. 2

5.Explain the relationship between the client server models and the fact that different users might experience different interfaces while accessing the same information.

One computer is the server and other are the clients. The server has complex interfaces because it serves all the clients.

6. What do email addresses and URLs have in common?
They both use a specific address

9.Why is file compression important on the Internet?
It allows for faster transferring over slow internet.

11. How does push technology differ from standard Web page delivery techniques? How is it used?
Push technology is different from the standard Web page delivery because it delivers specifically to the needs of the client.

10 Different Top-Level Domains

1) .com - Commercial - Used for all types of entities including profit and non-profit organizations
2) .org - Organization - Used mainly for non-profit organizations
3) .edu - Education - Used specifically for educational institutions
4) .biz - Business - Used for all types of entities, and a relief for .com
5) .gov - Government - For U.S governmental entities' use
6) .info - Information - Open for everybody to use
7) .mil - Military - Used specifically for the U.S military
8) .museum - Museum - Must be verified as a museum
9) .net - Network
10) .name - Name

Monday, March 21, 2011

Chapter 9 Reading Questions, 3/21/11

1. Key terms:

Packet-switching: A standard technique used to send information over the internet.A message is broken into packets that travel independently from network to network towards their common destination, where they are united.
open standards: not owned by any company
IP address: a string of 4 numbers separated by periods or dots that serves as an address for computers on the internet.
Static IP address: an address that is permanent
Dynamic IP address: address used for computers that are temporarily connected to the net, such as with dial up connection.
Next Generation Internet: refers to Internet Protocol Version 6. It solves the problem of address shortages and other improvements
multicasting: is a more efficient way for the same information to be transmitted to multiple Internet connected devices
DNS - Domain name system: A system that translates a computers numerical address into an easier to remember string of names separated by dots
domains:class of internet addresses indicated by suffixes such as .com, .org. gov.

2.Why is it hard to determine how big the Internet is?
There are many reasons why it is hard to determine how big the internet is. One, It is growing to fast
two, it is decentralized, and three It doesn't have hard boundaries.

3. Why are TCP/IP protocols so important to the functioning of the internet? What does it do?
It allows cross network communication for almost any type of computer or network by functioning as a language.

4. How does the type of Internet connection influence the things you can do on the Internet?
Internet connection and how you use it is all about speed. If you are frustrated with its slowness, then you will not use it for a very long time, as opposed to someone with fast internet who can do what he wants in no time at all.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Discussion Question: 3-16-11

Suppose you have an important message to send to a friend in another city, and you can use the telephone, email, real-time teleconference, fax, or overnight mail service. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. See if you can think of a situation for each of the five options in which that particular option is the most appropriate choice.

All 5 of these systems used to send messages have their advantages and disadvantages. A telephone would be used when you need to tell somebody a list of things that would take too much time typing from an email. An email would be used when you want to quickly tell somebody something. A time teleconference would be used when the things you want to tell are very important, so you would want to see them. Fax is, like email, used for quick messaging and overnight mail service is used to send physical items. Disadvantages are mainly consisted of time issues, and portability.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Reading Questions Page 224-232 Part 2

1. Define Key terms
: a collection of info stored in an organized form in a computer
table: a collection of related information
record: information related to one person, product, or event
field: A discrete chunk of info in a record
field type: the type of information a field can hold
numeric field: field that only contains numbers
date field: field that only contains date values
query: information request
select: Looking for all records that match a set of criteria
import data: to receive data in the form of text files created with word processors, spreadsheets, or other database.
query language: language used for query which is more precise than English

6) What are the advantages of personal information management softwares over paper notebook organizers? What are the disadvantages?

The advantages are that it is super fast and portable, as well as organized. There are also bonus benefits such as calendars. A disadvantage is that files can be lost due to viruses, but the advantages heavily outweigh the disadvantages.

8) How can a database be designed to reduce the likelihood of data entry errors?

Data cleansing eliminates any error that the data might have

11) Why are computers important in discussions of invasion of privacy?

Data mining techniques can be used to extract information about anyone without their knowledge/permission.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Discussion Question, 3-9-11

What have you done this week that directly or indirectly involved a database? How would your week have been different in a world without databases?

This week my involvement with databases have been mostly indirect, for in the use of them I had not explicitly recognize them as databases. This was particularly due to the fact that the databases I used during the week are part of my daily life routine. Without databases it would be extremely difficult, nearly impossible, for me to get through my day. Specifically, with my use of Google and Windows XP. Google is one of the biggest, most known databases that people use daily and I used Windows XP for managing my files and folders.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Reading Questions Page 224-232

2. What is the difference between a file manager and a database-manager system? How are they similar?

The similarity between the two is that they both manage files. The difference between the two is that a file manager allows for one user to work with only one file at a time, while a DBMS can manipulate data in a large collection of file cross referencing between files as needed. DBMS is used for complex jobs; file manager for simple tasks.

3. Describe a simple database.

A simple database is composed with and consists of tables that records data stored in specific types of fields.

4. What is a query? Give examples of the kinds of questions that might be answered with a query.

A query is an information request in database terminology. It searches specific records- for example, the average salary of a professional football player.

7. What does it mean to sort a data file?

Sorting a data file means arranging it in a specific way- this way can be done numerically or alphabetically.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Chapter 6: Graphics, Digital Media, and Multimedia

The term Graphics means artwork: photographs or other visual representations in a printed publication. Digital Media are usually electronic media's that work on digital codes. Multimedia is transmission that combine media of communication (text and graphics and sound etc.)

-Compare and contrast several types of computer graphics programs used by artists, photographers, designers, and others.
-Explain how computers are changing the way professionals and amateurs work with video, animation, audio, and music.
-Describe several ways that computers are used to create multimedia materials in the arts, entertainment, education, and business.
-Explain the relationship between hypermedia and multimedia, describing applications of each.
-Describe several present and future applications for multimedia technology.

Tim Berners-Lee Weaves the Web for Everybody
-Born in London in 1955
-Wanted to create an open-ended distributed hypertext system with no boundaries, so scientists everywhere could link their work together
-Invented the World Wide Web and gave it to all
-Now works at MIT
-Heads the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Focus on Computer Graphics
Painting: Bitmapped Graphics
Painting software:
-Paints pixels on the screen with a
pointing device
-Pointer movements are translated
into lines and patterns on the screen
-Stores an image at 300
dots per inch or higher

-Pixels: In digital imaging, a pixel (or picture element) is a single point in a raster image
-Palette: a palette is either a given, finite set of colors for the management of digital images (that is, a color palette), or a small on-screen graphical element for choosing from a limited set of choices, not necessarily colors (such as a tools palette).
-Bitmapped graphics (or raster graphics): Any visual matter containing pixels that has a bit depth of one.
-Color depth: the number of bits that are in each pixel
Resolution: resolution refers to the density of the pixels

Blog Question:What is the defenition for Bitmap Graphics?

Answer:Any visual matter containing pixels that has a bit depth of one. In other words, the pixel is either 100 percent black or 100 percent white.

Image Processing: Photographic Editing by Computer
-Allows the user to manipulate photographs and other high-resolution images with tools such as Adobe Photoshop
-Far more powerful than traditional photo-retouching techniques
-Can distort and combine photos as demonstrated in the tabloids
-Can create fabricated images that show no evidence of tampering

Blog Question: What is the benefit of photo management software?

Answer: It easily allows you to simplify and automate common tasks associated with capturing, organizing, editing, and sharing digital images.

Blog Question: What is the definition and difference of object-oriented or vector graphics?

Answer: There is no difference. They are the use of geometrical primitives such as points, lines, curves, and shapes or polygon(s), which are all based on mathematical equations, to represent images in computer graphics.

Article on adobe illustrator and macromedia freehand:

Blog Question: What is the difference between drawing and painting?
Drawing is a form of visual expression and is one of the major forms within the visual arts. Painting,is the practice of applying color to a surface (support) such as paper, canvas, wood, glass, lacquer or concrete.

Computer Aided Design (CAD) software:
-Allows engineers, designers, and architects to create
designs on screen for products ranging from computer
chips to public buildings
-Can test product prototypes
-Cheaper, faster, and more accurate than traditional
design-by-hand techniques

Rules of Thumb: Making Powerful Presentations:
Remember your goal.
Remember your audience.
Outline your ideas.
Be stingy with words.
Keep it simple.
Use a consistent design.
Be smart with art.
Keep each slide focused.
Tell them what you’re going to tell them, then tell them, then tell them what you told them.

Standard formats for uncompressed audio for Windows and the Mac OS, respectively. Both formats are supported on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. Both create large files. Both are lossless – a CD track encoded with WAV or AIFF sounds identical to the original.
A popular format for transmitting audio on the Internet. A CD track converted to MP3 format can be 1/10 the size of the original – or smaller – but still sound very similar.
An alternative to MP3 developed by Microsoft for Windows. WMA compression can result in smaller files of higher fidelity. WMA files may be protected by DRM.
Apple’s alternative to MP3 and WMA is used primarily by iTunes and iTunes Music Store. AAC compression is sonically superior to MP3 compression. AAC files may be protected by DRM.
Similar to WMA and AAC in sound quality and compression, OGG Vorbis is open source and freely available – not controlled by any company.

Blog Question: What is the difference between & def: Graphics, Digital Media, and Multimedia

refers to information linked in non-sequential ways.
Hypermedia combines text, numbers, graphics, animation, sound effects, music, and other media in hyperlinked documents.
-Useful for on-line help files
Ø-Lets the user jump between documents all over the Internet

Virtual reality combines virtual worlds with networking.
-It places multiple participants in a virtual space.
-People see representations of each other, sometimes called avatars.
-Most avatars today are cartoonish, but they convey a sense of presence and emotion

-Uses multiple cameras and high-speed networks to create a videoconferencing environment in which multiple remote users can interact with each other and with computer-generated objects
-Combines the display and interaction techniques of virtual reality with new vision technologies that allow participants to move around in shared virtual spaces, all the while maintaining their unique points of view
Augmented reality (AR):
-The use of computer displays that add virtual information to a person’s sensory perceptions

Computer graphics today encompass more than quantitative charts and graphs generated by spreadsheets.
Computers today aren’t limited to working with static images; they’re widely used to create and edit documents in media that change over time or in response to user interaction.
The interactive nature of the personal computer makes it possible to create nonlinear documents that enable users to take individual paths through information.